Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Do I Need a Gun Trust?

With all of the controversy surrounding guns and the Second Amendment, it may be smart to look into a gun trust. What exactly is a gun trust?  It is an arrangement where a separate legal entity i.e., a trust, owns the firearms, instead of the individual. White & Allen, P.A. is excited to announce that we now offer our clients the service of establishing a “gun trust”. Our gun trust is designed to own, possess, and transfer NFA (National Firearms Act of 1934) firearms, non-NFA firearms, and fire-arm related accessories in accordance with, among other federal, state, and local laws, the Gun Control Act and the NFA. Our gun trust is customizable and is intended to hold the foregoing property for the benefit of a beneficiary(ies), while affording the Trustee(s) possessory and use rights over the same. 
Some advantages of using a gun trust currently include: No fingerprinting; No photograph; No Chief Law Enforcement approval; Guidance provided in the trust to beneficiary(ies) and the Trustee(s) to help prevent federal, state, and local firearms violations; Mitigation of legal issues surrounding constructive possession; and Privacy.  Allow us to assist you with your gun trust today! Call us at (252)-527-8000 or email for further assistance.


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